Love Comes First

Love (photo: Pixabay)
By Faith MagbanuaDecember 14th, 2017

Is it really possible for love to "come first?"  before, faith and hope?

The answer is 'yes it is!'

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16 (KJV)

In this world full of hate and negative things, there is always one thing that makes everything clear, and that is God's love.

As the Bible says in I John 4:19 (KJV) "We love him, because he first loved us."

Whether we like it or not, Jesus loved us first and soon enough, our love for Him followed.  However, no matter how much we love Him, there is no greater love than how He loves us.

For people, especially single ones, it is really difficult to accept the fact that "love comes first" but we must always remember that, love coming first, is not the kind of love that we are thinking.

The love that came first, long before the love we know now, is the kind of love that is pure, that is unselfish, and most of all, it is not sexual love.

It is somewhat similar to the kind of love that you feel when you love someone dearly, that even just by touching their hand and being by your side is enough.  Hearing their voice is a bonus.  It's something like that.  However, we must keep in mind that no love is the same.

And this kind of love, the "Good kind" has its own attributes.  

So if you are wondering how to forgive someone who have wronged you, then think on how God loved us first amid the selfishness, the heartaches that we are causing Him, He still loves us unconditionally.

Keep in mind that loving someone doesn't mean that you will not rebuke the person whenever he or she is doing something wrong, loving someone is also being honest to that person, and as the Bible says, "Open rebuke is better than secret love." -Proverbs 27:5 (KJV)

God gives us warnings whenever we are doing something that is against His will, and if we continue doing the act, His punishment will surely come.

Loving doesn't mean that you should always be "head over heels" over the person, you may eventually feel hate but as the love grows deeper, the hate will be overpowered by love.

Because we must always remember, that "Those hardest to love need it most."


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