Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

Five Key Trends That Shaped Christianity in China in 2024

In 2024, Christianity in China continues along a transitional trajectory, with emerging development trends becoming increasingly evident. Together, these trends are shaping new church models and forging a new ecosystem for Chinese Christianity.

Celebrating Christmas in Chinese Churches: Sacredness, Cultural Adaptation, and Love

The expectations Chinese Christians have for Christmas activities, along with the church's festive practices, reveal three key characteristics of Christmas celebrations in Chinese churches: sanctity, upholding the core values of Christianity; cultural adaptation, connecting with the wider society to better witness the gospel; and the expression of love through fellowship and acts of charity.

3 Key Practices for Effective Pastoral Ministry

Recently, the Rev. Zeng and his team from a church in a southern city shared three important practices from their pastoral journey: developing the habit of early morning devotions, integrating resources, and nurturing talents.

Evaluating Pastoral Work: From Attendance to Heartfelt Recognition

Pastoral workers are teachers of the soul. Then how should the church assess their work? Minister Y, in charge of the office at Church A in a downtown southwest city, shared how the church has established a pastoral evaluation system, driven by a strong commitment, a scientific framework, and close relationships among coworkers.
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