As the National Day of Prayer theme for 2024 is "Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World," Harry Gibbons, a born-again Christian gave his prayer in order to light up China on the incoming Christmas Day.
Where does the meaning of life lie? This is a question that everyone should stop to ponder. This is a question that Chiung Yao pondered and struggled with but did not find the answer.
In the late Qing Dynasty, a young missionary from England and his family came to a small county town in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province to do the mission work. Two years later, the Boxer Movement broke out, and seven members of the missionary's family were taken to Taiyuan, imprisoned, paraded, and beheaded.
Has Christianity in China truly entered stagnation? Does Chinese Christianity still possess latent vitality that could potentially seize new opportunities and experience a new revival in the future?
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games should show the beauty of sports and promote the unity and progress of mankind, instead of showing extreme cases and creating divisions to protect the minority in the name of infringing on the interests of the majority!
Several scenes, such as the parody and desecration of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," were deemed blasphemous to the Christian faith by global Christian communities and conservative groups, including the Chinese Christian community.
For Christians, we cannot easily eliminate sin in the church, as it stems from human weakness. However, the crucial point is to walk steadfastly in God’s truth, regardless of the church’s condition, to attain ultimate glory.
During my past two-year psychological counseling work, I can clearly feel that more and more exceptional teenagers come to consult me, but they receive much less help than they should.
As the National Day of Prayer theme for 2024 is "Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World," Harry Gibbons, a born-again Christian gave his prayer in order to light up China on the incoming Christmas Day.
The Bible talks about oneness of the body of Christ, regardless of race, ethnicity or colour. In the church in China, I got reminded of the fact that it was one God, with different forms of worship. My stay in China could not have been anything short of the grace of God and I have the church to thank for that.