World's First Solar-Powered Highway Stolen Just Days after Opening in China

(photo: Pixabay)
By M. GraceJanuary 8th, 2018

China opened the world's first solar-powered highway last month. Though there were optimistic citing the issues and inefficiencies of the said motorway, a new problem turned out that no one ever expected, even the naysayers.

On January 2, just five days after the road opened in Jinan, Shandong Province, workers discovered that one section from the solar highway had mysteriously gone missing.

According to Qilu Evening News, the section was evident to be cut out and stolen by professionals who plan out the operation.

"The 1-kilometer long stretch of expressway is comprised of three layers: transparent concrete on top, solar-powered panels in the middle, and insulation on the bottom. The panels cover 5,875 square meters in total and can generate 1 million kilowatt hours of power in a year, or enough to meet the energy demands of around 800 households," Medium quoted, stating facts about the new experimental road.

The expressway was tagged as the "world's first photovoltaic highway."

Meanwhile, reports claimed that workers are already working on replacing the said stolen section. Police officers were also investigating the said theft.

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