Chinese New Year Rush: Woman Took Solo Plane Flight

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year (photo: Pixabay)
By Michelle GuanzonFebruary 3rd, 2016

Maybe it has been an early lucky situation for a woman named Zhang who have been treated special as she is the lone passenger of China Southern Airlines flight from Wutan to Guangzhou.

This is because some of the passengers have decided to not yet leave the Guangzhou airport due to chronic delays. 

In accordance with it, data have been showing that while plenty of people is living from China for family reunions and Chinese New Year celebration is still increasing, other people who are traveling the other route back to China is as well on the rush for the same exact reason.

Published by search engine Baidu shows that last January 24 was the first day of this year’s Chinese New Year Rush. Shanghai and Beijing are the wto most busiest cities with a total of 40 percent traffic.

China Railway Corporation published data that shows the seven days period before New Year’s Eve, Guangzhou tops the list of the cities with most outbound passengers up to 2.39 million who will leave the city during the said period. Next cities are Beijing and then Shanghai.

According to China Railway Corporation, it is their first time to record such a big data.

Wuhan takes first place on the list of passenger arrival volume with up to 1 million people expected to reach the city during the Chinese New Year celebration, which is them followed by Guangzhou and Beijing.

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