Projects for Faster Delivery of Donated Human Organs

Human donations
Human donations (photo: The Guardian)
By Mei ManuelMay 7th, 2016

Efforts are now on the way in China to make deliveries of donated organs faster as the Chinese health, transportation and law enforcement sectors are now working on making a "green passage" to make it possible.

These "green passages" aims to make transportation time of donated organ deliveries faster to retain their vitality and prevent damages in these organs as this would assist patient survival.

In the Friday circular stressing this initative, the police would escort the ambulance and give them the right of way while they receive the donated human organs for transport. Airlines are also expected to give priority boarding for donated human organs and allow them to leave first. If they are using the train, the health officials transporting the organs should be allowed to purchase the tickets after they have boarded the train. Assistance can also be requested from the Red Cross. 

The circular also said "the transportation of human organs is like a race between time and life."

The necessity of delivering these organs is crucial because many human organs like livers cannot be stored for more than 12 hours because this would make them unusable for transplant.

China currently has a low level of human organ donations, making many patients unable to receive transplants for years to get their transplants done. Some don't even survive that long for these transplants to happen.

Last year, at least 2,766 people donated their organs after their passing. Prior to the January 1, 2015 order, Chinese donated organs came from executed prisoners but it is now banned.

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