World AIDS Day: China Has Over 1 Million HIV Infections

AIDS Caring
AIDS Caring (photo: Photo Provided to CCD)
By Christine Lau December 2nd, 2021

December 1 is the World AIDS Day. It now marks 40 years since the first cases of AIDS were reported in 1981, yet AIDS is still prevalent in human society.

According to the research data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Nov. 27, as of the end of 2020, more than 1.053 million people in China had been infected with HIV, and a total of 351,000 deaths were reported.

In China, the number of newly discovered HIV infections, delays in diagnosis, and the risks of major groups continued to grow. At the same time, the infection rate in some groups had also increased significantly. The spread by heterosexuals and homosexuals has increased from 48.3% and 9.1% in 2009 to 74.2% and 23.3% in 2020, respectively. However, the proportion of HIV transmission among injecting drug users had dropped sharply from 25.2% in 2009 to less than 2.5% in 2020. Gay men were the highest risk group for HIV infection.

In the past ten years, the proportion of Chinese elderly men infected with AIDS had been increasing. According to statistics from the Chinese National Center for AIDS and STD Prevention and Control, the number of new HIV-positive cases of men aged 60 years and above had gone up from 7.41% in 2010 to 18.21% in 2020, and most of them were infected through sexual contact. The percentage of patients aged 50 and above had increased from 22% ten years ago 2011 to 44% in 2020. Young students had become a group with a high incidence of HIV infection.

Reference: "China CDC Weekly" on Baidu Encyclopedia

 - Translated by Shuya Wang


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