Suzhou Church Holds Voluntary Blood Donation on Thanksgiving Day

Suzhou Grace Church
Suzhou Grace Church
By Grace ZhiDecember 4th, 2015

Currently, many churches in China prefer to hold musical worship, have meals together to count Lord's grace or bring the crops and fruits to spend Thanksgiving Day. On Nov. 23, Suzhou Grace Church chose to donate blood, a form of Christian social service which added new significance to the special holiday.

The pastoral staff of Grace Church shared that they wanted to give free blood donation to improve the urgent situation of the blood banks which have insufficient reservation of some local hospitals and apply the faith "more blessed to give than to receive" into practice.

Rev. Zhang Shouyi, the senior pastor of Grace Church, introduces that the church began the donation since November, 2012. After this, November 23 has been its "donation day"."Christians should make contributions to the society within their reach. " Zhang said.

Zhang Guangjian, the believer who has donated blood every year in the past three years, said "I donated 300cc blood today. If you're healthy, you can donate twice a year. I try to do this next year."

"Their donation added the blood reservation of the hospitals, which partially relieves the shortage of the blood banks." said a medical worker who works in the blood station. 

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