Large Praise Meeting Held in Zhumadian

The Praise Meeting
The Praise Meeting (photo: Henan CCC&TSPM)
By Phoebe Zheng May 24th, 2016

At least 27 local churches had taken part in the 8 hour joint praise meeting held at Tianzhong Church in Zhumadian, Henan's Yicheng District after three months of preparation. At least 2800 people participated in behalf of their respective churches, representing their areas through choruses, dances and Bible verse recitation.

According to Rev. Wei Changhan, pastor of Tianzhong Church, it was the provincial CCC's deputy director Rev. Bai Jiande who started the efforts for the joint praise meeting, citing the importance of the praise and worship ministry. Rev. Jiande believes that this part of the ministry is crucial in showing the vigour of the church.

Rev. Wei also recalled that during the joint meeting when he was in charge of playing the background music on the computer, he was able to observe that there is something different in the event. He saw all the participants ready to perform and knelt together in silent prayer instead of doing vocal exercises for worship.

He said, "The audiences saw the show, while I saw from the backstage how they knelt in prayer. Maybe God saw our hearts while we worship as one."

He added that while some of the programs were not perfect and not a delight to watch, it was very precious to watch the members participate in enthusiasm in every event. The members didn't focus on winning any award prepared in the event or judge the others' performance. They praised and worshipped God with God's people.

Rev. Wei even remembered that in some usual performances, members continued to show their enthusiasm.

"There was a dance called Ten Virgins, which was already shown last Christmas. But a lot of believers were moved to tears this time." he said.

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