9 Secrets Most Priests Won't Say

Pastor Preaching
Pastor Preaching (photo: Haidian Church)
By Cindy ZhangJune 2nd, 2016

Defination about priests in Baidupedia reads: "Priest" is a kind of occupation or people who are in charge of leading and taking care of other Christians on purpose." It means herding sheep in the Bible. Treating and supporting are their main duties.They treat and guard their fellows with their loyalty to the church. 

I have to say being a priest is not easy. Besides trivial work in the church, the call is not only to herd Lord's sheep but also to focus on Christians' spiritual life. Although most of members in church care and love their priests deeply. This article can help readers comprehend and care about  priests more.

Here are the 9 secrets many churches' priests don't want to say:

1. Don't know what to do when leading. Although all priests know Christ is the final hierarch, sometimes believers will find answers from priests and they don't know how to solve problems all the time.

2. The followers will tell even their personal lives to priests, although it is better for priests not to know these things. Honestly, as to those rumors and personal lives, priests don't wanna know about these but people usually tell these in the form of prayer, which then makes priests lose their heads.

3. Many priests are sure about calling, but,often doubt their abilities. They know it is God's plan but they go on forwardly with faith and prayer. But, they are not God's requirements from people,and uncertainty make them doubt sometimes. They have no idea whether they need to insist in their mission.

4. Many priests are afraid of getting into daily things,so they strive to encourage and pray for people,even go extreme.They become so uncertain,if they don't hear positive feedback,they probably doubt people on how they think of them.

5. A priest's uncertainty will make them focus on reputation and position.Under extreme conditions,they will get trust in a weird way,for example,regard amount of the latest news as their right.

6. The same to everyone,priests also will be tested. They will face spiritual thirst and tiredness. That is to say,when taking the responsibility of leading church and herding followers,priests also will feel embarrassed, after all, they are not supermen.

7. Priest's role sometimes make them feel lonely conversely,especially,when they live out unrealistic expectation. They are under a lot of pressure.

8. Hardly, priests know they trust whom they take the responsibility of herding Christians,which is hard to make other people know the real themselves. Many priests suffer terribly because of believing other people. Church congregation's discussion make them stressful.

9. Many priests feel they never get the real rest. They are eager for the Sabbath,but being caught up in all kind of things with no rest is hard. During the weekend, they need to preach and talk to individuals.....they will be surrounded with expectations,but, it is hard to refuse people's requests ,even for the sake of Christians,they give up the time they reunite with family.

Surely, about the above conditions, not every church even every priest experienced or feel it ,but it shows some priests' aspirations more or less.Priests can be happy to work,rather than because of easy work,it is God's callings.They follow God's will. Priests'work must depend on Christ but followers should know that only priests are that kind of people who have the same temperament that we have.

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