Pastor David Demian Shares His Story Behind 'Walking with Chinese' in Chinese Homecoming 2016

The "homecoming" team prays for Rev. David Demian  and his wife
The "homecoming" team prays for Rev. David Demian and his wife
By Elsie HuJuly 20th, 2016

"Chinese Homecoming 2016" reviewed a video in which Rev. David Demian prayed in the gathering of 2012 on July 16, 2016, the last day of the gathering held in Hong Kong.

The video recorded the pastor praying on his knees, saying,"I believe this is a calling to Chinese. Chinese are spread all over Asia and the world. But the inherited destiny through blood is not just passed to the Chinese in China but all the Chinese worldwide."  when Rev. Chuck D. Pierce, the founded of "Glory of Zion International Ministries" of the United States, gave him the key engraved with the verse from Isaiah 22:22. 

In that gathering, he called every Asian pastor to open the door and evangelize to the nations in the world.

After the video, Rev. David Demian shared the origin of his mission of "evangelizing Chinese":

In 2011, he was invited to deliver God's word in Taiwan. The Lord woke him up at 2 a.m, saying, "I don't only want your message, I want your heart. Will you give the heart to the Chinese?"

He said to God that he was not certain then because his heart was destined to go to the Middle East. He struggled.

"It's easy for me to preach, teach and pray. Because once I finished, I go. But when I give my heart, it's never finished."

After that, he had no idea that whether his human capacity could carry on to another ethnic group, not mentioning the fact that he is not Chinese.

Then the Lord reminded him that he was adopted in an overseas Chinese family years ago.

At that time, the Lord told Pastor Zhao Yongquan's mother who was 80 at that time, who didn't speak English, to adopt him who speaks no Chinese. But the Lord arranged them together. Recalling the past, he said that he didn't know the Lord had a greater plan then. Years later, he realized that nothing in his life had happened by chance, but a part of God's supreme plan.

He has been walking with the Chinese for 15 years since 2011. 

"(Walking with the Chinese) It's not ministry. It's not preaching and teaching, prayer. I carry the Chinese in my heart. Wherever I go, you're a part of who I am." He continued.

In the end, he said to the Chinese in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas, "Wo Ai Ni. (means 'I love you.') " 

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