Church Feeds Workers and Poor for Upcoming Festival

Enguang Church
Enguang Church (photo: Wechat account: Enguang Church of Qiqihar)
By Enguang Church of QiqiharMay 26th, 2017

A church in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, together with local organizations, made zongzi, the traditional rice dumplings, for sanitation workers and low-income residents of a local community.

The believers embraced these "underprivileged" people in the church. It seemed the happiest thing to them that they received holiday blessings and greetings from other people. The church declared on its official WeChat platform, "Look, the song of love is on each of their smiling faces! Listen, we love each other in the Lord, sharing the grace of his love and bathing at this precious corner..."

A local company also sent reflective vests to sanitation workers to ensure their safety when working.  

Zongzi are eaten during the Chinese traditional Dragon-boat Festival which falls on May 30 this year.

Translated by Karen Luo

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