Pastor: Chinese Churches Should Be Earnest for Revival after Reopening

The praise team presented the hymn
The praise team presented the hymn
By Esther TianJuly 19th, 2023

Although churches have reopened after the pandemic, many believers do not show enthusiasm. However, a pastor firmly believes that the church will experience a new revival.

Pastor Dapeng (pseudonym), who has been pastoring in north China for a number of years, told the Christian Times, an online Chinese Christian newspaper, that the pandemic was over and in-person church services were resumed, but what needed to be restored more than the external one was our inner longing and enthusiasm.

He recollected receiving a message regarding revival in 2019, leading him to contemplate the need for preparation—an impending surge in the work of the Holy Spirit. However, encountering significant challenges during the pandemic cast doubt on the authenticity of the revival message.

However, after the pandemic, he once again remembered the message. Additionally, witnessing the Great Revival movement at Asbury University in early 2022 reaffirmed his determination that both churches and believers should yearn more fervently for the Holy Spirit and embrace revival in the post-pandemic era.

Matthew once recorded what Jesus said about the future: “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold”. Many people found that, compared with 2000 years ago, the situation of the church now looked desolate. It was also true that illegal things were increasing, and people’s love was obviously cold. So many people were pessimistic about the end of the last era.

The pastor acknowledged that the most rapid spread of the gospel occurred during the time of the Apostolic Church, spanning a mere thirty years from Jesus' ascension to the martyrdom of the disciples. Despite lacking advanced means of transportation or a complete New Testament, the apostles fervently spread the gospel throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe amidst severe hardships.

Drawing inspiration from the Old Testament, where the Lord stood with the prophet Elijah, who single-handedly confronted 450 prophets of Baal, along with an additional 400 false prophets affiliated with Jezebel's family, totaling 850 adversaries, Pastor Dapeng arrived at a realization. Even in the current climate of indifference, he firmly believed that the Holy Spirit would undoubtedly initiate a stirring, rekindling people's desires and hearts for the gospel. While it is undeniable that many individuals remain apathetic towards love, Pastor Dapeng maintained that God can still employ a solitary individual—much like the prophet Elijah—to usher in revival.

Pastor Dapeng proclaimed, "Revival depends not on the majority, but on a select few who wholeheartedly rely on God. Just as Elijah converted the faith of Israel on his own (through the work of the Holy Spirit), I believe that even today, God can raise up individuals willing to wholeheartedly seek Him and become vessels of holiness and godliness, thereby bringing about revival across the entire land."

Based on the Book of Judges, hermeneutics reveal a fundamental principle: people indulge in sin when they are at ease; as a consequence of their transgressions, they are delivered into the hands of the Gentiles; experiencing the anguish of such deliverance leads to repentance, which in turn paves the way for revival.

Pastor Dapeng analyzed the present situation and concluded that the church currently finds itself in a trough, indicating that a revival is undoubtedly forthcoming. Nevertheless, he clarified that this principle wass not static and should only serve as a point of reference. Yet, rooted in biblical truths, he remained steadfast in his belief that the church would experience revival.

Therefore, drawing from the revelations of the Holy Spirit, the promises of God, historical evidence, and the principles of progression, Pastor Dapeng emphasized the necessity of restoring our longing for revival and making adequate preparations for its arrival.

- Translated by Charlie Li

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