Faith in the Workplace: Biblical Wisdom for Navigating Career Challenges

A man in a black shirt sits on a chair in front of computer monitors.
A man in a black shirt sits on a chair in front of computer monitors. (photo: Sigmund via
By Sophia LiuMarch 27th, 2025

Editor's note: Work is an unavoidable aspect of human life. Beyond the specific tasks, people also grapple with the workplace environment itself. Recently, Sister Xu, with 24 years of work experience and 10 years in management, shared insights on viewing work from a biblical perspective and how to live a victorious life in the workplace through a series of lectures.

The workplace is not just about skills, but it also includes corporate culture and colleague relationships. When faced with challenges, many professionals struggle with deciding whether to stay or leave their jobs. Through the stories of Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel, Sister Xu provided practical guidance on workplace dilemmas, and invited two Christians in the workplace to share their real-life experiences and decisions.

Brother Wu is a lawyer working under a very dominant boss, which leads to a highly stressful environment. He is often anxious and sleepless due to his boss's dissatisfaction, and his relationship with God has become distant. Although he regained strength through fellowship gatherings, he was later excluded by his colleagues, had his performance taken away, and had no avenue for appeal. The question arises: Should he resign?

Sister Lin, meanwhile, strongly believes she is called to serve in her workplace. However, her new job has brought significant challenges, including an excessive workload, delayed salary payments, and a restrictive environment for sharing the gospel. Her colleagues often shirk responsibility, and the office atmosphere is either silent or filled with quarrels. She has considered resigning and asked for prayer, but it seems that God's guidance differs from her prayer. What should she choose?

Sister Xu emphasized that the books of Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel are must-reads for professionals because these characters faced extremely challenging workplace environments.

Nehemiah was tasked with rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, a heavy task compounded by external opposition, internal disarray, and corrupt officials exploiting their power for personal gain. Esther, amidst intense competition for the position of queen in King Ahasuerus's harem, navigated the volatile king's temperament and the malicious schemes of Haman while also shouldering the weight of ensuring the survival of the Jewish people. Daniel, serving in a pagan court, contended with magicians and philosophers, apathetic colleagues, and frequent attempts to undermine him. Despite serving under four successive kings, he remained steadfast, upheld by his wisdom and loyalty.

Xu explained that when facing workplace challenges, there are three key areas to focus on.

Personal Growth and Excellence 

First, one must change and improve oneself. As Xu shared in a previous talk, by prioritizing the practice of truth, individuals can overcome challenging environments and experience personal growth. They can enhance their abilities and strive for excellence. For example, Nehemiah was skilled in management. When the king noticed his sadness, he seized the opportunity to propose a solution, personally inspected the situation, and worked alongside others. Faced with the apathy of his people, he inspired them through encouragement and discipline. Esther, though beautiful and popular, was free of greed, gentle, respectful, and able to control her speech, making a significant impact. Daniel, known for his knowledge and intelligence, spoke with humility and acted without error. Finally, Christians must "live out their identity and become a blessing to their environment." Just as Joseph, sold into Egypt, fulfilled God's plan, and Esther became queen to save the Jews, Christians should aim to be a blessing in the workplace, not merely seeking personal gain.

Transforming the Workplace

Second, Christians should work to transform the workplace environment. They must have unwavering faith in God's promises. Xu highlighted that Isaiah 60 prophesies the glory of Jerusalem, which also symbolizes the renewal of the workplace. Through Christ's redemption, the workplace can be a place where believers reflect God's glory, experience a healthy and prosperous life, and spread the gospel.

Additionally, Christians should pray to align with God's will, as Christian victory is achieved through prayer. Nehemiah prayed for 40 days to rebuild the wall, Esther fasted for three days and nights to gain the support of the Jews, and Daniel and his companions prayed for God's guidance to interpret the king's dream. However, believers must also actively collaborate with God to bring about change in the workplace. As Xu emphasized, "God eagerly waits for you to do your part, and He is ready to fulfill His promise. This is what we need to understand clearly."

Knowing When to Move on

Third, if the first two steps have been taken, but the workplace environment remains difficult, individuals should consider whether it is time to resign and seek a new environment. Jacob's experience offers seven key indicators for confirming such a decision:

  1. Character has been shaped in the current environment—Jacob, who initially stayed at home without working, was trained to become diligent in the workplace. He once deceived his brother but later experienced deception himself under Laban.
  2. God has been glorified, and others have benefited—God blessed Laban because of Jacob's presence.
  3. Faithfulness in responsibilities and notable achievements—Jacob remained loyal to his work, resulting in both a large family and significant wealth.
  4. A new environment is emerging—Laban's attitude toward Jacob worsened, and Laban's sons believed Jacob had taken away their father's property.
  5. God's call and new direction—God instructed Jacob to return to his father's home.
  6. Support from family or team—Rachel and Leah, who often argued over their children, were united in support of Jacob's decision to return.
  7. No major obstacles and a peaceful departure—Laban did not oppose Jacob's departure; instead, they signed an agreement to bless each other.

When selecting a new job, Christians should evaluate opportunities based on heavenly values—not merely seeking higher income but considering whether the role aligns more closely with God's calling. The decision should also take into account whether it allows one to glorify God, benefit others, use their gifts effectively, and maintain a healthy, balanced life.

Xu emphasized, "Our decision to stay or leave should be based on the heavenly freedom granted by God."

Finally, Wu prayed for guidance and hoped to join another law firm. Later, that firm was willing to hire him, allowing him to join in two months. Though initially anxious about the transition, he received God's reassurance twice. While his income in the new firm was lower, he experienced freedom in body, mind, and spirit, harmonious workplace relationships, a relaxed family atmosphere, and serving in the church, leading to a stronger love for the Lord.

After praying, Lin felt certain that God wanted her to remain in her current company and repeatedly reaffirmed her mission there. She realized that while she had initially joined to share the gospel, she had become consumed by criticism and discouragement. Adjusting her mindset, she began to pray for her company and colleagues. In time, her boss initiated a conversation with her, increased her salary, assigned her to form a business team, and relocated her to a city she favored. More importantly, she ultimately succeeded in sharing the gospel with her colleagues.

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