Rev. Lee Young-hoon, the senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church who succeeded Rev. David Yonggi Cho, has been elected as the new president of the Christian Council of Korea (CCK).
On February 2, 2016, the Christian Council of Korea held a thanksgiving inauguration service of the new president. Yoido Full Gospel Church, one of the largest churches in Korea and the world, founded by Rev. David Yonggi Cho with only five members in 1958, has developed into a megachurch with more than 800,000 Christians with a sweeping influence in the Christian community of Southeast Asia even throughout the world.
In recent years, Lee has visited Chinese churches several times, including preaching sermons in Hangzhou Congyi Church and Beijing Congwenmen Church.
On March 7, Jiang Jianyong, the vice director of State Adminstration for Religious Affairs of P.R.C, sent a message to congratulate his new presidency in hopes of his future effort to promote communication and cooperation between the churches of the two countries based on equality, friendship and mutual respect, according to Korean Christian media.
Recent years Rev. Lee Young-hoon has close connection with churches in China. In 2013 he visisted the Mega church in east China and preached in Chongyi Church;in 2015 he visisted Beijing and preached in historical Chongwenmen Church.

Below source are quoted from Yoido full Gospel Church website:
Senior Pastor of YFGC, Pastor Lee was born in Seoul as the second oldest of four sons and one daughter of the late elder Kyeongsun Lee (1978~1979 President of elders of the church). He attended YFGC's Sunday school since his childhood.
He majored in Theology at Yonsei University and United Graduate School of Theology Yonsei University. He also graduated from Hansei Theology Seminary and had a master's degree at Westminster University. He also received a PhD degree on Religion and Philosophy at Temple University in U.S. Along with that he served as the senior pastor at Washington Full Gospel Church, Tokyo Full Gospel church, and LA Full Gospel Church, and as a curate at Department of Human Resources of YFGC. Not only that but he also worked as the President of Tokyo Full Gospel Theology Seminary and Bethesda University, as the director of Full Gospel Educational Research Institute and Institute of Church Growth.
In early 90s when he was the President of Institute of Church Growth, he assisted Pastor Cho with his abundant theological knowledge. When Pastor Cho's 'Threefold Blessing' and Holy Spirit Movement were misunderstood as a cult, he vindicated for him with the theological argument. It is not too much to say that he made Full Gospel Church as one of the main denomination of Korean churches.