Beijing Chongwenmen Church Hold 'Light of Life—80-Hour Bible Reading' Event

A sister leads the congregation to read the Bible in Beijing Chongwenmen Church.
A sister leads the congregation to read the Bible in Beijing Chongwenmen Church. (photo: Jotham Dai)
By Jotham Dai November 1st, 2016

On Oct 10, Chongwenmen Church held the "Light of Life-80-hour Bible Reading" event. 180 people led the reading, and 300 followed.

According to Chonwenmen Church, this event gained great support from church pastors and believers. Believers rushed to sign up and encourage or invite each other in; some believers continued reading for 80 hours; some believers prayed day and night for this event. Because the reading was arranged on weekdays, many young believers requested to join the reading at night time. Almost 20 people read or listened to the reading before dawn time.

Brothers and sisters read through the bible in 80 hours. This event was meant to help believers to deepen their bond with God by reading his words.

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