Pope Francis: Criticizing the Pope is Not a Sin

Pope Francis
Pope Francis (photo: Pixabay)
By Mei ManuelMay 27th, 2018

In a meeting with Italian bishops as part of their general assembly on Tuesday, the Catholic Herald shared that Pope Francis has said that it was 'not a sin to criticize the pope.'

His stance on criticism, which he has received throughout the years, comes after his statement to the assembly that his three 'worries' were the decline in vocations, the reduction and merging of dioceses and financial scandals. He also said in the speech that bishops should speak openly and urged them to tell him 'all the words, your concerns, criticisms - it is not a sin to criticise the Pope here, yes, not a sin - and inspirations that you carry in your hearts.'

The Pope had also exlained further why he is concerned over the dropping rate of vocations in Italy, stressing that 'God only knows' how many seminaries and monasteries will have to close in the succeeding years.

He cites that several factors may have lead to the decline, such as demographic changes, Church scandals and the 'dictatorship of money' that pulls young people away from life-long commitments.

He also said that Italy is experiencing a 'crisis of vocations' in a region that was previously regarded as the major source of missionaries in the world. It was also now going into 'vocational sterility.'

He concluded his speech by saying 'These are my concerns. They are points for reflection.'

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