Can One Glorify God Through Money, Sex and Power?

John Piper
John Piper (photo: wiki pedia)
By Cindy ZhangMay 10th, 2016

In the book “Living in the Light: Money, Sex and Power?”, American author, theologian and pastor John Piper stressed that while people should not accumulate and inappropriately use money, engage in sex with random people and use power aggressively; if these three things can be used correctly, it could become “the gifts of God” and use it to glorify God. 

According to a blog entry Piper wrote for the website ‘Desiring God’, he wrote that is it true that money, sex and power are dangerous in their own way. However, each aspect has a potential of becoming a key in serving God more. 

It is not uncommon to hear about cases of people who have fallen prey in the temptation brought by money, sex and power. However, there are a few stories left untold regarding the positive effects on peoples’ lives brought by these “testing factors.” 

Piper stresses that money, sex and power are actually gifts from God and if man uses these items with love and efficiency for the benefit of all, it would serve the world and glorify God. However, if it is used for illegal things, it is because man’s heart has become wicked. 

He concludes that since money, sex, and power have special qualities that allows the glory of Christ to manifest in its use, Christians should work hard “to overcome the possibility of using them to commit crimes and develop their potential as a gift of God.” Christians must also demonstrate God’s act through these three items and allow others to see the goodness of God through these items. 

However, this premise of Piper is different from the premise written by American Gospel Christian Paul Trip. According to Tripp’s book “Sex & Money: Pleasures That Leave You Empty and Grace That Satisfies” released in 2013, he stressed that sex and money are very dangerous. If one looks into their heart and life whilst observing the surrounding world, he would find themselves in two areas where people easily fall prey to the influence of the west: sex and money. 

“It almost comes to a stage, even when you watch television, see a movie, or go out shopping, read a magazine and listen to a piece of music… you are already attacked.”

He suggested Christians should build “a culture of grace” based on honesty and forgiveness, to resist the lure of money and sex. 

He also added that: “We just need an honest culture to tell others that we are struggling in these areas, and we don’t know how serious our struggle is because we are spiritually blind.” 

In order to overcome this, one must do it through “honesty, repentance and forgiveness; they are all rooted in the truth: covered by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing can be accused of me anymore.”

Translated by: Song Jun

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