Beijing Chaoyang Church Celebrates New Year in Its Community

Group Pic
Group Pic (photo: Chaoyang Church)
By Josiah LiJanuary 27th, 2016

On January 19, the pastoral staff of Beijing Chaoyang Church and its group "Love Union" held the New Year Celebration, with the art association of Dongrunfengjing Community in the community.  

Chaoyang Church shares that the celebration place was decorated with tassels and colored balls. Children, middle-young people and seniors participated in the celebration and performed songs and dances.

The church says the celebration promoted mutual understanding between church and residants in the surrounding community.

Beijing Chaoyang Church was established on Sept. 12, 2005 and it held the dedication ceremony on Dec. 16 the same year. Until now, the number of people attending Sunday services has increased from 600 in the beginning to over 4000. 

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