Pray for One Another

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By Mariel LeisterJune 29th, 2017

There is no limit to what prayer can do and how far it can reach. It doesn't matter if who you're praying for is a thousand miles away or if he or she is just inches by your side. Distance is not an issue when it comes to how far our prayers can go.

One time, a man pleaded with Jesus to heal his sick son but the son was at home and only the Father, who was a day's journey away, was standing in front of Jesus. This father prayed to Jesus to heal his son and that same day, the boy was healed (John 4:43-53).

The same is true with us. If we stand in front of Jesus in behalf of another, he hears and he will answer.

Somewhere out there, there is someone who needs prayer. Our job as priests in the kingdom of God involves praying for such people, to stand in the gap for them to God. Some, if not all, of our loved ones are still unsaved today, so, we pray for them to be saved. Our friends may be going through tough times and could be barely hanging on, they need our prayers. Our families, the people we know, there are countless people who we can intercede for.

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 NLT

To pray for the believers is to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are one family regardless of color, gender, race, and whatever it is that sets people apart from each other. We are one family, and as a family, we have the responsibility to keep the household intact.

Is any among the brethren in danger? Pray. Is any among them facing a difficult trial? Pray. Is any among them falling away from the Lord? Pray that God may restore them. Whatever it is, we must pray as the Spirit directs us.

I was praying in the Spirit one afternoon and I said to the Lord, "If there's anyone who I can pray for right now, please tell me so that I can pray." Shortly, the Lord put a number of people in my heart one by one. So I prayed for them. The following Sunday, I mentioned to a friend, "I remembered 'brother' the other afternoon and prayed this for him. It's weird because I don't know what's going on with him." And my friend answered, "Yes, he is actually going through something right now and he really needs prayer."

Every prayer counts.

There was a time when I didn't feel like praying for other people thinking, "Well, is anyone praying for me that I should pray for them?" And the Lord corrected me and let me know that there are, in fact, people who are praying for me.

Prayer can save a life, literally. When I was newly a Christian, my brother's best friend got into a motorcycle accident. His skull was cracked and his entire leg was crushed. He was in really bad shape. Moreover, it was a public hospital that wasn't very sanitary and his family had no money. But he was my brother's best friend and the last thing I want is for my brother to lose him. So, I prayed. I prayed that the Lord heal him completely and not let death snatch him away. Since his hospital bed was in a corridor very close to a public restroom, I prayed that he may be transferred to a better room. I prayed that all their needs be met and that finally, he receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Every single thing I prayed for got answered. I kept praying every single day until a prayer was checked on my list. A few months later, this friend of my brother's joined my church's youth camp and received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Three years later, today, he's alive and well as if he never got into an accident.

God answers our prayers, so we must take advantage and pray for one another because someone out there is praying for us, too.

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