The Deafening Sound of Silence

Silence (photo: Pixabay)
By Faith MagbanuaMay 25th, 2018

"I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto me." Psalm 77:1

There are times when I cannot speak a word let along think clearly because all I feel is sadness and pain.  Times when all I can do is just sulk in a corner praying that everything will just go away.

However, in times like these I suddenly got reminded of one character in the Bible.  Asaph, in particular, the famous musician in the Bible, who have also felt the same sadness and loneliness that any man may feel.

As the Bible verse in Psalm 77 says:

(v2) In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted.

In our days of trouble, no matter how stubborn we are, we must remember that God is always there to help us, to guide us and to lift every weigh that we are feeling.

A moment in our life will come when all we can do is stay quiet.  However, we must also remember that God is all knowing for a reason.

As Christians, Jesus wants to help us in every way He can, and nothing is impossible to Him.

God is always ready to listen even when our mouths cannot speak a word. He knows our heart, our troubles and what makes us sad; he also knows what makes us smile.  He knows whatever it is that makes us cry and every time we cry ourselves to sleep thinking that no one is listening, God hears our every word.  He knows us and loves us so much that he wants us to trust Him in taking that pain away.

Let God bring you closer to himself by following His guidance.


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