Things To Say and Not To Say To Someone Suffering from Depression

Depression Bible Verses
Depression Bible Verses (photo: Pixabay)
By M. GraceOctober 24th, 2017

Knowing what to say and not to say to people going through depression can be hard, especially if you are really close to them.

When you know that you do not have the cure, and chances are you do not have experience to offer as a piece of advice. Please note that nine times out of ten people struggling with depression just need to know that they have someone to talk to when they need to.

As a listener, you need to know what to say and what not to say.

1.       To tell him or her that you are here for him or her, here's what you need to say: "You are not alone with this."

What not to say: "There is always someone who experience worse than you are experiencing."

2.       To make him or her feel important, here's what you need to say:

"You are very important to me." Or "You are special to me."

What not to say: "No one said that life is always fair."

3.       When offering help, you can say: "Do you want someone to open up your thoughts or feelings?" or "Do you want a hug?"

What not to say: "Stop feeling sorry for yourself."

4.       When depression hits him or her real hard, say: "You are not going crazy."

What not to say: "So you are depressed, again?"

5.       Give him or her hope by saying: "We are not on this earth to see through one another but to see one another through."

What not to say: "Try not to be sad or lonely and depressed."



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