Yu Zhengsheng and Li Keqiang's Talk on Religious Works in Two Sessions 2017

National Conference on Religions, Beijing
National Conference on Religions, Beijing (photo: Xinhuanet)
By Ruth WangMarch 10th, 2017

On March 3, the Fifth Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee was held in Beijing. During the session, Yu Zhengsheng, Chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC, made a report on the work of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee regarding several issues, including ethnic and religious affairs.

With regards to the work of the ethnic and religious affairs, Chairman Yu Zhengsheng said in his report, "In order to implement the party's national policy and religious policy, to promote national unity and religious harmony, we need to study the guidance from Central government's conferences on the ethnic religious works, put forward suggestions on amending urban and ethnic works rules, start to serve and manage the flowing people of ethnic groups in the process of urbanization, make healthy development for minority groups, building a unique enterprise in Qinghai Tibet Plateau."

The CPC member also studied the spirit of national religious works, hold seminars to study religious knowledge; CPC member made the decision to advocate explicating religious doctrines in the framework of socialist core beliefs. Concerning the training of religious talents, religious affairs of the minority ethnic groups and the long-term effective ways to construct and administer to the Buddhist temples in Tibet, they conducted researches and discussed policies. They also held 3 conferences to collect people's thoughts on how they viewed religions and made suggestions on how to help poor religious people walk out of poverty and conduct religious activities healthily. 

On March 5, in the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National People 's Conference held in Beijing, Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the State Council also made the report on government work. Concerning religious works, he pointed out in his report that we need to implement the party's fundamental policies, manage religious affairs according to the law and promote harmony between the government and religions. They must also utilize the positive role of the religious circles and their vast number of believers play in advancing society's development.

Translated by Alvin Zhou

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