Donald Trump Warns US Senate if They Don't Pass Obamacare Repeal Bill

US President Donald Trump
US President Donald Trump (photo: CNN / Screenshot)
By M. GraceJuly 26th, 2017

United States President Donald Trump appeared in Youngstown, Ohio during a rally on Tuesday and reportedly warned senators if they do not pass the health-care reform, the consequences may be severe.

The United States Senate is currently voting to begin debating on an Obamacare repeal bill, which has US Senator Rob Portman's support. However, former House Speaker John Boehner predicted that Republicans will never replace and repeal Obamacare.

During a rally in Youngstown on Tuesday evening, July 25, Trump warned senators concerning the health-care reform and said that "essentially, either you are with me or against me."

The 71-year-old president spoke to over 8,000 people in the rally where he blamed the Republicans for the health-care impasse and pointed out that Republicans have promised to repeal the law.

"The president made some very lofty promises, including reopening factories in Youngstown and spending $1 trillion on rebuilding the country's infrastructure with American-made materials," reported by

According to several political analysts and commentators, Trump's appearance in the rally would greatly help their party to encourage and energize the voters. According to a report, some are giving him credit for rolling back the regulations from the Obama administration and others also blamed the Congress for the reason why Trump has not been able to keep his promises.

On the latest news, the Senate Republicans voted to debate on re-writing the health care policy. It was a tie with Vice President Mike Pence's vote included. However, hours later, the Senate decisively rejected the proposal to replace and repeal Obamacare.

US senators voted 57-43 to reject the plan in the first vote on an amendment to the bill. Those who voted "no" included nine defecting Republican, as cited by ABC News.

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