Jiangsu Church Opens Traditional Paper-cutting Course

Participants who attended the traditional Chinese paper-cutting course held in Wuxi Rongxiang Church on July 7, 2019
Participants who attended the traditional Chinese paper-cutting course held in Wuxi Rongxiang Church on July 7, 2019 (photo: ccctspm.org)
By Karen LuoJuly 11th, 2019

On July 7, 2019, a traditional Chinese paper-cutting course was given in a Jiangsu church to enrich the faith life of believers and promote traditional Chinese culture. 

Paper is easily available and easy to learn on. It offers people the medium through feeling and space for artistic enjoyment.

Paper-cutting is an intangible cultural heritage craft. According to the official website of China Christian Council & Three-Self Patriotic Movement, Jiang Quandi, a paper-cutting folk artist, was invited to teach his skills in the Wuxi Rongxiang Church. 

The participants were enthusiastic in learning the techniques and applying them into practice. Their works were a combination of the characteristics of new era believers and folk features.  

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