Church Dedication to Mark the End of Village Fellowship in Hening, Tianjin

Church Gathering in Tianjin
Church Gathering in Tianjin (photo: CCC)
By Pauline PetroAugust 19th, 2016

In August 15, 2016, Luopo Church in Hening, Tianjing has kicked off its Church Dedication Ceremoney, thus marking the end of more than 20 years' fellowship in the village among farmers.

Believers from both Tianjin Christian Council and Ninghe Church came together for this event. Pastor Mao Yajun, the vice-president of Tianjin Christian Association quoted,"... offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. 2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. "

The new Luoding Church is over 1,100 square meters with complete sets of facilities. Thus, the new church will be able to accommodate not just believers in the existing church, but believers in nearby villages. In recent years, there have been 8 newly-built churches in Ninghe and more than a dozen of churches with considerable scales.

The previous Luobo Church was established in late 80th and stuck in between narrow and poorly maintained village houses for more than a decade. In view of the far distance between the village to the city, it created barriers for the church to access to convenient resources for their church's growth and feeding. In addition,the prevalence of nearby cult groups have severely affected the growth of the church in Luobo as well.

In order to enhance communication and help rendered to the far-away churches, improve their worship environment and fight against the influence of cult groups, Tianjin Christian Association has made the decision in helping Luobo Church raise up a brand new building for their church's use.


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