Christians from HongHe Church of YunNan Province Visit Leper Survivors

Christians from HongHe Church of YunNan Province Visit  Leper Suvivors
1/3Christians from HongHe Church of YunNan Province Visit Leper Suvivors(photo: Photo Provided to CCD)
Christians offered life supplies to the villagers
2/3Christians offered life supplies to the villagers(photo: Photo Provided to CCD)
Free clinic was offered to the leper survivors' village
3/3Free clinic was offered to the leper survivors' village(photo: Photo Provided to CCD)
By Yi YangOctober 12th, 2016

On Oct 6, some sisters and brothers from MiLe TianYu church of HongHe state in YunNan paid visit to leper suvivors in Red Rock Leprosy Village of ShiZong County in QuJing. They offered a free clinic and life supplies. "Brothers and sisters, please pray for these villagers at home."  These caring words were written down by Brother Lin from HongHe church.

Brother Lin shared his story with CCD. His first encounter with leprosy sufferers was in 2015, after which he decided to help them. "They've suffered too much, so Christians from MiLe church have raised a few thousand Yuan to help them out."

Leprosy can be prevented and cured nowadays, much less terrifying than in the old time. Brother Lin said that he used to be so afraid of getting infected that he never dared to make touch with leprosy patients. "Leper sufferers couldn't sense pain before, so they wouldn't know if their fingers or toes were hurt. But now with certain medical improvement, many leprosy-village-borns have lived to their 30s like normal people besides some difficulties after being given preventive injection."

A lot of leper survivors villages are inside mountains and very inconvenient to reach. Those villagers also suffer from poverty. Due to their physical incompletion and social isolation they find it very hard to blend in mainstream society again. Luckily more and more people are learning about this disease and knowing that it could be cured, so prejudice and discrimination inside them are gradually weakening. Many of them are volunteering to take care of those villagers.

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