Northern Pastor Urges Ministries to Be More Grounded and Localized

Pastoral staff took a group photo at the E’erguna National Wetland Park in Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia, at a retreat organized by Hangzhou CC&TSPM during July 3-8, 2023.
Pastoral staff took a group photo at the E’erguna National Wetland Park in Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia, at a retreat organized by Hangzhou CC&TSPM during July 3-8, 2023. (photo: Hangzhou Municipal CC&TSPM)
By Li ShiguangOctober 2nd, 2023

One of the basic functions of a church is to feed all believers with the word of God. However, it is not enough for them to just learn theories. Taking single believers as an example, they should prepare themselves for a better marriage. For married believers, it is necessary to improve and enhance the marital relationship. For working Christians, it is necessary to learn to be the light and salt in the workplace.

For the majority of believers, it is indeed necessary to receive the knowledge and training mentioned above. However, a church may encounter difficulties doing all these things at the same time. The church is often out of resources and strengths to provide many specialized programs. By the church alone, it is almost impossible for these ministries or projects to be done.

In addition, there are many extra ministries and series that are developed to meet the needs of the majority of believers and solve their practical needs.

In this regard, Brother Wang Zhenhai (pseudonym) thinks that many ministries and projects are beneficial. He has served in a northern urban church for many years. When believers participate in the projects, they do benefit significantly from them. However, problems are encountered when organizing the events.

For instance, he has provided several trainings for couples. Generally, the programs may last from two or three days to four or five days. However, in the third- and fourth-tier cities where he lives, it is difficult for potential participants there to receive the training completely because they have to continue working at the weekends.

The solution is to schedule the training in the evenings. A two- or three-day program is broken into three or four evening trainings. The church asks the registered trainees to go directly to the church after work and start the learning immediately after having a dinner prepared at the church.

Such efforts are being made because they find that many married believers now have family and marriage problems. If these problems are not solved, it will be difficult for their faith to grow. Brother Wang said that there were originally more than 100 believers in his church, but their practical problems were not well solved, and that led to a large loss of believers. In the end, there are only 20 or 30 believers in the church.

Many ministries and projects are very good. However, they should definitely be localized and grounded. It is not advisable to be arrogant and unwilling to change. Doing a good job in localized ministries and projects will truly have vitality and bring good changes to many participants.

Brother Wang said that all this is to gain the lost souls. A person is either captured by the world and Satan or by God and Christ. What the church can do is pull everyone as much as possible to the side of God and Christ from the world and Satan. It is just like the Apostle Paul once said, “so that by all possible means I might save some.”

- Translated by Charlie Li

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