Saturday, March 29th, 2025

A Prayer for Boldness

As the National Day of Prayer theme for 2024 is "Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World," Harry Gibbons, a born-again Christian gave his prayer in order to light up China on the incoming Christmas Day.

My Experience as a Foreign Student in the Church in China

The Bible talks about oneness of the body of Christ, regardless of race, ethnicity or colour. In the church in China, I got reminded of the fact that it was one God, with different forms of worship. My stay in China could not have been anything short of the grace of God and I have the church to thank for that.

A Brother's Letter From Shanghai Under Pandemic

The brother is really grateful to fellow believers from various cities for their concern and prayer. His community has been in lockdown for a month, but there is no shortage of daily food, as he has been cooking by himself for over 20 years. Besides cooking, he tried his best to reach neighbors with love and deeds.
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