Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Hoping for a Prayer Breakfast without Russians

Recently, 200 Ukrainian evangelicals travelled to Washington, D.C. in order to participate in a government-sponsored “Ukrainian Week” from 3 to 8 February. More than a few of them were then present at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in that city on 6 February. Roughly 15 pastors arrived from Russia to attend the Breakfast.

Has the Growth of Christianity Ended in China or Will There Still Be a Revival?

Whether growth of Christianity in China has come to an end is subject to confirmation. But this is a wake-up call to Christians in China and all over the world. This report "Growth of Christianity in China May Have Come to an End" has given global Christians an assignment to prioritize China in the mandate of world evangelization.

Life Begets Life: Reflections on the Legacy of a Church Built by Martyrs

In the late Qing Dynasty, a young missionary from England and his family came to a small county town in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province to do the mission work. Two years later, the Boxer Movement broke out, and seven members of the missionary's family were taken to Taiyuan, imprisoned, paraded, and beheaded.

Has the Growth of Christianity Ended in China or Will There Still Be a Revival?

Whether growth of Christianity in China has come to an end is subject to confirmation. But this is a wake-up call to Christians in China and all over the world. This report "Growth of Christianity in China May Have Come to an End" has given global Christians an assignment to prioritize China in the mandate of world evangelization.

The Figure of Nezha in My Eyes

Nezha is a significant figure in ancient Chinese mythology and religious traditions, appearing in popular TV series such as Journey to the West and Investiture of the Gods. In real life, Nezha is also revered as a protective deity, enshrined not only in temples and Taoist shrines but even in dedicated Nezha temples in some regions.

A Prayer for Boldness

As the National Day of Prayer theme for 2024 is "Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World," Harry Gibbons, a born-again Christian gave his prayer in order to light up China on the incoming Christmas Day.