Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Life Begets Life: Reflections on the Legacy of a Church Built by Martyrs

In the late Qing Dynasty, a young missionary from England and his family came to a small county town in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province to do the mission work. Two years later, the Boxer Movement broke out, and seven members of the missionary's family were taken to Taiyuan, imprisoned, paraded, and beheaded.

Religious Discrimination Hinders Spread of Gospel

Religious discrimination hinders the spread of the gospel, obstructs the development of the localization of Christianity in China, and impedes friendly relations and exchanges between Christianity and other patriotic religions. Discarding prejudice will broaden our horizons and enable the widespread dissemination of the gospel.

A Prayer for Boldness

As the National Day of Prayer theme for 2024 is "Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World," Harry Gibbons, a born-again Christian gave his prayer in order to light up China on the incoming Christmas Day.