A church in southern China has recently updated its service process. A significant change encourages the congregation to offer a silent prayer before departing after the pastor's benediction.
Everyone will face moments of running out of wine. If we turn our hearts and minds to Jesus, we will discover his presence in all things—he is right here. He can turn the embarrassment of "no wine" into the blessing of "fine wine."
We need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit rather than on our ability to understand sermons. It is necessary to prepare the heart to seek spiritual growth through every service.
An explanation of the Lord's Prayer, which Jesus instructed us to pray daily in Matthew 6:9-13, and Luke 11:1-13. This explanation is from the Bible with Bible references.
We can see a common phenomenon in the church in China, that is, there are many female believers and few male ones. One of the problems revealed by this phenomenon is that many married female believers have unbelieving husbands. They all face the same problem and need: how to lead their husbands to Christ. Here are some practical suggestions.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day which falls on March 8 each year, we offer women twelve Bible passages to receive grace, healing, and strength from the Lord Christ.
God, the holy one who sits on the throne, hears our cries, and looks after our situation, may not perform miracles in our lives, but his promises and answers have been written in the Bible.