Readers' New Year Blessings to Chinese Christians

A picture of a cheerful woman with Chinese New Year decorations
A picture of a cheerful woman with Chinese New Year decorations (photo:
By CCD EditorialJanuary 30th, 2025

Editor's note: As China is celebrating the annual Chinese New Year across the country, our dear readers have given their heartfelt prayers and words to encourage Chinese Christians in this new year. We have selected four from their responses to bless our dear fellow Christians in China. 

Daniel Kaunda:

Dear brothers and sisters in China, by the great love that God sawed to us to give His only son,we are now one family, your pains in the gospel, we feel it, your struggling we feel it, but it will not go for long soon we shall be at home. This world is not our home, don't loose hope or get tired,we are in the race. Be strong and courageous,we love you. Have heavenly kingdom blessings peace and protection in Jesus name. Amen. 

Rachael Chan:
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving us the opportunity to remember our brothers and sisters in China through prayer. May the Lord protect them in the face of difficulties, and may they still be filled with love for you and for others. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

(This prayer is translated from Chinese.)

Jeanine Heller:

Jesus loves you! No matter where you are or what you are doing, remember that Jesus is with you. He knows everything you are going through in life and promises to be yoked together with you on your life journey. Because He died and rose for you, you can be certain that you will be with Jesus in heaven some day. One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 41.10:  "Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Macky Mongold:
I grew up singing "red and yellow, black and white, we are all precious in His sight." God loves you and so do I. We pray for the Chinese Christian church every morning.
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