Greetings to Our Chinese Brothers and Sisters in Preparation for the Holy Holiday of Christmas

Birth of Jesus Nativity Set
Birth of Jesus Nativity Set (photo:
By Dr. Lajos BekefyDecember 24th, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters! 

On my blog pages in Transylvania/Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary, I have tried this year to report God's growing signs among you. Not about post-Christian phenomena, which by the grace of God did not appear in your country, but about convincing and heartwarming signs of pro-Christian life. On the miraculous signs of growth. Looking from Central Europe, I would describe the present situation of Christianity in China, the "Sitz im Leben," as it would be the shining light among you and within you, between the promise of John the Baptist and the many-sidedness of Pauline growth are you living, in the faithful and humble following of our Lord Christ, as signs for those who sit in the depths.

It is a huge, incomprehensible grace. May God's name be blessed forever for this. You are the shining point of a tiny flock among the billions of inhabitants of your vast country. With the promise that by 2030-2040 you will have hundreds of millions of Christ-followers there, making your country the first in the world to have hundreds of millions of Christians in one nation. This is the subject of my book Christ and Calvin in China, published this spring in the ancient Calvinist Hungarian city of Pápa, where the first Calvinist presbytery was established in the early 1600s. The volume was published by the Reformed-Calvin Bishop's Office there.

Dear Brothers and Sisters! Allow me to indicate now, in titles only, the devout and unceasing attention and prayer with which I follow the signs of our Lord, which He is sending through your faith, through your communities of believers, to our homeland, indeed to every place in the world where souls made receptive, pneuma-sensitive by the Holy Spirit, are gladly receiving the signs of growth. A few titles from the spiritual articles, "Traces of the hand of the Lord working in Your Midst" that have been published by me this year:

1.     The closer to Christ, the closer to each other—a New Year message to my Chinese brothers and sisters

2.     China dossier—Christian life behind the Great Wall—articles, statistics on China

3.     The world has never seen anything like it—China dossier with new concepts, spiritual phenomena

4.     Easter greetings from Shanghai

5.     About the book "Christ and Calvin in China" in China

6.     Why and who likes Protestantism in China?

7.     On the margins of World Catholic China-Day

8.     Good signs on the Christian horizon in Asia—China

9.     Chinese-Korean Protestant meeting with mission plans

10.   Advent Star Clocks: a forward-looking to Protestant innovation for Generation Z and Alpha

In addition to this, I have tried to present the positive indications in PPT illustrations in several university lectures, as well as at writer-reader meetings and Christian forums in Slovakia, Romania, and Serbia. With my Theo-Digest news service, I forwarded all articles and signals to Christian media outlets in Western Europe, Scandinavia, Canada, the USA, Latin America, South Africa, and partner newsrooms.

In the visions, vision-recognition-synchronicity, Spirit-simultaneity graciously given by the Holy Spirit, I perceive and praise the Lord of history, our Trinitarian God, that the Lord, the Love, gives you growth and is also walking among you like a luminous pillar of light.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

May your Christmas in Him be blessed, peaceful, serene, illuminated with inner visions, happy and blissful in every congregation, in every home where you and we confess: in Jesus Christ Immanuel, God with us! To him be glory now and forever, in China and Hungary and throughout the world he has created, where believing hearts and minds are opened to him on this holy feast. Amen.

(Dr. Lajos Békefy, Ph.D. is a public writer, spiritual publicist, and founding editor-in-chief of Theo-Digest.)

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