Located in western Guangxi, Tianyang County has a total population of about 40,000, in which the Zhuang people account for 90%. On September 16, Tianyang's newest church located in Village Babie - Huaien Church - has officially been dedicated with over 100 pastoral staff and believers in attendance for its dedication ceremony. Meanwhile, a service named "Five Loaves and Two Fish" is also opened.
The church staff said that it took eight months to complete the new church construction at the cost of 543,000 yuan on July 10, 2016.
"We had a fund of only 12000 yuan before the construction. There were difficulties during the construction and it was a long story. No man could accomplish this but we depended on God's endless mercy that moved members from other places to show care and give donations so that the construction proceeded as scheduled."
The list of donors published by the church include institutions and churches like the Amity Foundation and Shanhai Grace Church as well as believers.
"Five Loaves and Two Fish" Service aims to help take care of left-behind children and reduce the education fees of low-level workers' children, which won praises from local parents.
It mainly provides free nutritious breakfasts for the aged above 70 years old, long-term babysitting and nurturing services for the left-behind children under 5. It also works as a service platform that recommends rural cooperatives for Christian labor force to develop organic agriculture according to plans, establish production and marketing chains that belong to the church of farm products as well as increase the incomes of local believers.
Regarding agricultural services, a co-worker of the service tells CCD that there is plenty of room to explore agriculture if there are Christian members who have this burden and enough funds. If they make a good job in agriculture, not only the finance resources of the rural church grow, but also the mission can make a breakthrough for this reason.

By Chengji Wang October 11th, 2016
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