An academic symposium titled "Religion and the Rule of Law: Canon Law and Chinese Law" was jointly hosted by the Pushi Institute for Social Sciences and the Law School of the University of Camerino, Italy, making it the first academic exchange between the two sides on the theme of canon law.
On September 5, fifteen scholars attending this seminar came from Peking University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China University of Political Science and Law, University of Camerino, University of Naples Federico II, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, and Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.
Experts and scholars exchanged and discussed the topics of "Religion and the Rule of Law in China", "The Power of the Holy See and the Global Catholic Church", "The Jurisdiction of the Power of the Holy See and Its Relationship with the State", "The Autonomy of Local Churches Newly Organized by the Holy See", and "The Meeting Between Power of Holy See and the Religious Clauses of the Chinese Constitution".
After three scholars gave opening speeches, six persons first gave speeches with the titles "Religious Legislation Issues in China", "The Autonomy of Local Churches Newly Organized by the Holy See", and "Typology and Effectiveness of Consistency", followed by questions and discussions.
Then another six scholars elaborated on other topics such as "The Episcopate in the Relationship between Church and Modern Secular State", "Religion and the Rule of Law in China", and "The Relationship between the Holy See and Poland since World War II" with exchanges from attendees.
- Translated by Abigail Wu