My Deep Understanding of Faith and Culture Through Visit to Ningbo

Choir members presented a hymn titled “Hosanna” during the Palm Sunday service at a church in Zhenhai District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, on March 24, 2024.
Choir members presented a hymn titled “Hosanna” during the Palm Sunday service at a church in Zhenhai District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, on March 24, 2024.
By Si XiangJune 28th, 2024

Recently, I had the honor to have an in-depth study and exchange at a church in Ningbo. During this time, I felt the charm of honor, joy, love, and servant leadership culture. All of these helped me strengthen my faith as a disciple of the Lord.

I experienced the connotation of honor here. People respect and fear the word of God. A solemn atmosphere can be felt, whether in prayer, Bible reading, or preaching. At the same time, it is also reflected in how we treat every believer, where every person is respected and every voice is heard.

I also felt the magic of the culture of joy. Believers keep an optimistic attitude no matter what difficulties and challenges they encounter. They believe that God will give them strength and guidance, so they are joyful to overcome all difficulties.

What touched me most here was the love. They embrace and accept everyone with love, no matter where they come from or what their faith status is. Such selfless and inclusive love makes me feel the beauty of humanity and the power of faith.

Besides, I also learned the importance of being a servant. People are willing to serve others and the church. They practiced the servant spirit with their actions, which made me deeply appreciate the power of humanity and service.

Through this series of studies, I have become even more determined to become a great disciple of the Lord. I realized that as the Lord's disciples, we cannot be confused, and even more so, we must not betray him. We should not only have clear goals but also always stay alert and humble. What’s more, we are supposed to continue to study and grow, striving for the Lord throughout our lives.

In the meantime, I deeply felt the value of unity. A healthy church requires the joint efforts and dedication of all believers. Everyone needs to accept and respect each other with love and tolerance.

(This is a freelance article written by a pastor in Guangdong and originally published by the Gospel Times.)

- Translated by Olinda Wang

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