On July 31, 162 catechumens who passed the faith test received their baptism held annually in Ningbo Centennial Church, Zhejiang.
Rev. Chen Yan told the congregation to avoid misunderstanding the essence of baptism in the sermon and claimed that faith is the key to the salvation rather than being baptized. Some may think themselves unqualified and some who have not received baptism after converting for over ten years don't give much importance to this sacrament. She said that we shall not judge the standard of baptism and even the baptized believers still need the blood of the Lord to cover for them. The significance of baptism was delivered at the end of the preaching.
According to the church's official website, in May 1948, the Anglican church in China founded the predecessor of the church that was named as the "Centennial Church" to commemorate the one hundred years of the two missionaries Colbald and Rusell of Christian Missionary Society spent to mission in Ningbo.
In the 1990s, the church was torn down and the current church building was completed in May 1996.

By Grace ZhiSeptember 9th, 2016
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