Christian Shamian Church in Guangdong Hold Special Worship of the Ordained Pastorhood

Guangzhou Shamian Church held a special service of the ordained pastorhood in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on the morning of October 23, 2016.
1/2Guangzhou Shamian Church held a special service of the ordained pastorhood in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on the morning of October 23, 2016.
A pastor was ordained in a special service held by Guangzhou Shamian Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on the morning of October 23, 2016.
2/2A pastor was ordained in a special service held by Guangzhou Shamian Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on the morning of October 23, 2016.
By Yi YangOctober 26th, 2016

On the morning of Oct 23, 2016, Guangzhou Shamian Church held a special service of the ordained pastorhood, where one staff was ordained the new pastor.

According to Christian Shamian Church, the special Service was host by church director Pastor Lin Enling, and Pastor Lei Yumin preached a sermon on the topic "Follow the Lord". The ordination was host by Pastor Liang Ming, and Pastor Fan Hongen ordained the new pastor, while Pastor Xu Jieping gave instruction and encouragement.

The article also said that staff Hou Dian started his full-time service in Shamian Church since he graduated from the seminary in 2008, and this ordination was "not only a bigger responsibility for his service but also a pressing need for the service development in Shamian Church".

Christian Shamian Church has an over-century long history, and its 150th anniversary was host in 2015, for it is rare to see such a well maintained century-old Christian building in Guangzhou.

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