The wrap-up meeting of the research study on “Training of Christian Talents in Hubei Province” was held by the Zhongnan Theological Seminary.
During the summer, full-time teachers of the seminary went to churches all over Hubei to conduct a week-long research study. They summarized this activity in turn at the summary meeting on August 8, according to Hubei CC&TSPM.
Through this research study, the teachers learned that the alumni of Zhongnan Theological Seminary in Hubei had gradually become the backbone of the local church, gaining a deeper personal understanding of the hardships of seminary students serving at the grassroots level. Knowing the local churches' history and current situation, they also collected suggestions from churches and alumni on running seminaries, which deepened the connection between theological education and church pastoral care. All of these expanded the thinking of theological education, providing practical data support for the development plan of theological education.
- Translated by Stephen Huang