Kunming Church Performs First Sacred Drama in 2024

A sacred drama was performed at Beichen Church in Kunming, Yunnan, on July 26, 2024.
A sacred drama was performed at Beichen Church in Kunming, Yunnan, on July 26, 2024. (photo: Beichen Church)
By Mark Cui July 30th, 2024

A church in Yunnan performed the first sacred drama “Journey of Faith” as an intensive Bible reading plan is ongoing for months. 

Since 2024, Beichen Church in Kunming has begun a three-year intensive Bible reading plan and concluded the reading of the book of Numbers by July,reported the church. Then te first sacred drama performance of the year was held at Glory Sanctuary in Beichen Church on July 26.

The sacred drama, “Journey of Faith," consisting of two chapters, followed the line of the Pentateuch of the Bible, performing two great men of faith in the Bible, Abraham, and Moses. By faith, Abraham went out into a place that was to be given to him as a heritage as God ordered him. By faith, Moses, when he came to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin.

With a cast consisting of a group of pastors, co-workers, and volunteers without any professional acting foundation, the directors focused more on the authentic presentation of the Bible.

The church said, “Perhaps it is that varied experience of the actors in their lives that stimulated inspirations in their performances, which adds to the outstanding technique and distinct spirituality of the play.”

After the sacred drama performance, a ceremony was held to welcome the believers and seekers who came to the hurch for the first time, accompanied by the hymns and rhythms of “Blessings of God Be Upon You.”

- Translated by Cassie Li

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