New Church Dedicated in Tianjin

The dedication of Wangqingtuo Church
The dedication of Wangqingtuo Church (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Wang YujiuDecember 20th, 2016

On Dec. 13, 2016, a new church has been dedicated in Wangqingtuo Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin. More than 500 local pastors, preachers, volunteers and believers have witnessed this moment.

Rev. Mao Yajun, associate president and chairman of Tianjian CCCTSPM, delivered a sermon entitled "Lampstand of Pure Gold" that churches after God's heart should have visions from God, keep holy as pure gold lampstands and stand firm by the Lord, citing Zechariah 4:1-6.

The church in the town, "Gospel Church," which was supported by Chinese, was founded in 1912 by a squire named Mr. Zian Zhang and his son, leaving many precious testimonies. Later the church was heavily damaged during warlordism and plundered by the Japanese army. Until the Cultural Revolution, it was banned. After the reform and opening up, a new gathering revenue for the church was built in 1998, funded by the city's CCCTSPM.

Since the number of the believers grew in the last few years, coupled with the need of safeguarding social and church stability, the local CCCTSPM that organized the donations from the congregation sponsored the new church construction. The newly built church can hold about 500 people with great facilities.

Translated by: Karen Luo

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