Sex in Christianity: Same Happiness, Different Endings; Busting the Misconceptions

Marriage (photo: Pixabay)

The fourth session of the Sexpoin China has attracted much attention from the public. A young Christian brother wrote: "Of course, I am also curious about it. I haven't received healthy and correct annotations of sex during my personal growth. Countless people in China are just like me." Maybe it's time to say something since God's will is to make us holy.

Secret Channel to Feel God - Sex

What is the origin of sex? It comes from God's wonderful creation and design. God sees the loneliness of man and the secret desire hidden in his heart. God realizes that even He can't replace the intimate relationship inside man's heart. So God leaves a secret channel for a closer relationship with Him -- sex. People can feel the existence of God through sex. The reason why people pursue true love in their life is because they can feel the presence of God in true love. Without true love, we can't feel the true essence of sex.

What is sex?

The essence of sex is spiritual. When we are thirsty for spiritual growth, we will be thirsty for love and sex. People who have abundant love will have great sex. People who are satisfied with their spiritual life can also feel the joy in sex. They are like flowers springing up in the wind.

Indulgence in sex can make people feel "little death". However, it is just the trick of evil spirits. The false happiness leads people to hell. Greater thirst and void comes after one indulges in sex.

Sex in true love is actually more joyful. The couple enjoying coition under the wings of the Holy Spirit can feel the existence of God. Their love won't end when sex ends. They can also look forward to their next coition. They can hold each other and taste the fantasy of true love together.

The right of sex is not at my hand

Many people in the secular world think in this way: My body is mine and sex is my personal affair. As a result, their body is treated like clothes full of patches. Even they themselves don't want to wear it anymore. It is difficult for them to gain the others' respect and admiration. The body itself has a powerful memory. When different people leave different memories on one's body, the body is mottled. People can deceive others, but he can never deceive himself or God.

The following sentence in the Bible is very impressive:

"The wife does not have authority over her own body, but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife." (1 Corinthians 7:4)

Random sex based on personal desire and sexual demands, regardless of the other's feelings, are against the will of God.

Pure sex is the living sacrifice of the mind and body. During pure sex, we are totally dedicated to God and devoted to our beloved ones. A couple can please and cherish each other in pure love.

No more misunderstandings and submit with joy

Some Christians will have this misconception: I'm a Christian, so I should be conservative when it coms to sex. If people can be conservative in sex, the forbidden fruit of Eden will never be eaten. The thirst for sex couldn't be stopped unless someone reform themselves through Christianity. People reformed through Christianity have the genes of holiness.

Sex is God's creation and can only be managed by God. Sex is also the purity of Christianity and can only be updated through Christianity. Conservative sex requires God's love, the grace of Christianity and the comfort of the Holy Spirit!

Another misconception that may be coined by Christians: I am a Christian, and I should restrain my desire of sex. If a man can restrain their desire for sex, there is no need for Jesus to stay on the cross. The over restraint in sex would result in hypocrisy, which is hated by God. The word goes that sex is the tool to practice belief is total nonsense.

We can neither restrain or indulge ourselves in sex. So what can we do? Sex is the fruit of the Holy Spirit and we should have temperate sex. Temperance is one of God's teachings. He shows us what is the best and guides us towards kindness. It is sure that we have the Holy Spirit inside our hearts and the Holy Spirit nails the evil desires of sex on the cross. The teaching of God is not bitter but sweet. We shall praise the supreme joy of temperance in sex.

Translated by Emma Ma

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