Who create God? Did God Create Himself Before Creating Everything Else?

New Heaven, New Earth
New Heaven, New Earth (photo: BGEA)
By Kirsten Kane RosaSeptember 13th, 2016

I've been asking myself about God so many times. I've asked if God is true or if He exists and if He do, who created Him?

Thankfully while I was doing some research on the internet, I have had encountered one of the articles of Matt Slick, the President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, explaining the existence of God and here it goes...

Did God create himself? No, he did not.

God is not created. The Bible said that he has always been God (Psalm 90:2). He is everlasting.

For God to make everything he had to already exist in order to perform the action. Since, he could not do all things if he did not exist, therefore, it is impossible for God to create himself.

One of the difficult questions that might be asked is "how it is that God has always existed?" Though we do not relate to God in his timeframe and how he exists, we know that things have beginnings and that events have origins. But, this is not applicable to God. He exists before us. He exists outside the universe and before he created it.

Therefore, the issue of eternity, which deals with time, does not apply to God because God is outside of time.

Rationally, it is not possible that a cause of something can have a cause that has a cause, etc., forever back in time. This is impossible because it is not possible to skip a certain amount of time to get to the present. In other words, if causes of causes go on forever in the past, then an endless amount of time would've had to exist in order to get to the present. But, that is not possible. Since we exist and we are in the present, then we cannot say there was an infinite relapse of causes. There has to be a single uncaused cause. That uncaused cause is God.

Therefore, the best thing to do is trust what God says about himself in Psalm 90:2 where the Psalmist says of God, "from everlasting to everlasting you are God."

I hope that this helps you grow in the Lord and believe that the God that we are serving is eternal and real.

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