Editor's note: The letter is from Dev Shrestha who pastors a church in Nepal, introducing the situation in his country. The COVID-19 severely affects his church construction work and forces the congregation to meet online.
Below is the letter.
Dear Pastors & Leaders,
Greetings in Jesus' Name!
Due to the current global pandemic caused by COVID-19, like in many other countries, Nepal also has been affected and completely lockdown. The borders between "Nepal and China" & "Nepal and India" are completely shut down. There is no any importation trade during these days in the country here. Almost all the shops are closed down now.
More than six hundred thousand people left for their villages from Kathmandu due to this pandemic. Many people are got stuck in their ways. Daily wages based workers are facing great challenges for daily necessary foods than anybody in the country. Some social organizations are working for these people along with the government, providing their daily necessary groceries. However, still, the needs of the people are high due to more number of people and ongoing lockdown!
This pandemic situation also has hindered our church construction work. We really are stuck and not able to complete this now. Our workers, because of the current situation are forced to stay here in the construction area itself. They are also facing a hard time of finding daily necessary things.
We still need to work for putting the windows (eight in number), painting of the walls, falls ceiling, carpeting the floors and labors' charge! Once these are done, then, the place shall be ready for use. We are trusting upon the Lord for helping hands for the completion of this work!
This lockdown also has caused our weekly fellowship. We has been conducting worship services in online for those who are having internet access, and for those who do not have internet access are having weekly worship service at their homes!
Kindly remember us in your prayer!
Thank you!
Dev Shrestha
Pastor, Nigah Missions Church
Kapan, Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact No.+977-9841086379
Email: devshrestha1985@gmail.com