Macau Church Delegation Visits East China Theological Seminary

East China Theological Seminary in Shanghai received a delegation from Macau's churches in Shanghai on September 19, 2023.
East China Theological Seminary in Shanghai received a delegation from Macau's churches in Shanghai on September 19, 2023. (photo: East China Theological Seminary)
By John ZhangSeptember 22nd, 2023

The East China Theological Seminary in Shanghai hosted a delegation from Macau's churches and Christian organization. 

On September 19th, during the exchange, President Xie Bingguo extended warm greetings to the guests and provided an introduction to the history and development of the school, its educational situation, talent cultivation, and educational characteristics, according to the seminary. He also discussed the principles and development of sinicized theological education.  

The guests introduced the current status of diverse churches in Macau and the Macau Bible Institute, as well as the efforts made by the churches in pastoral care, worship, and social work. Both sides engaged in sharing and discussions on a series of issues of common concern, learning from each other's experiences in building churches, nurturing talents, and addressing the challenges of the times.

Then the guests toured the campus and visited the patriotic education research office and the library, which houses modern historical materials.

The visiting guests included pastoral staff from a variety of churches in Macau, including the Charitable Association of Sheng Kung Hui (Macau), the Union of Christian Evangelical Churches in Macau, the Macau Baptist Convention, and the Christian Sheun Tao Church Hong Kong & Macau District Union Association.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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