On October 13, 2019, eight church workers were ordained in Shandong's northern Binzhou.
In the ordination ceremony, Rev. Gao Ming, chairman of the Shandong Three - Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), preached a sermon entitled, "Followers of the Lord", according to Shandong CC&TSPM. The pastor exhorted the ordinands to be aware of their calling, spare no efforts to renew themselves, and constantly glorify the Lord. He admonished them to love the Lord with all their hearts, souls, and mind and lay the foundation for their future ministries. He also explained the importance of the church's social service, encouraging them to promote social work in order to establish a good image of Christianity.
Then they were ordained, amongst them one as a pastor, one as a teacher, and the remaining six as elders.

By Anthony LeeOctober 16th, 2019
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