Gospel Drug Addiction Treatment Center Founded for One Year, Ruili, Yunnan

 Gospel Addiction Treatment Center
1/3 Gospel Addiction Treatment Center(Photo: Haidian Church)
Yunnan Gospel Addiction Treatment Center
2/3Yunnan Gospel Addiction Treatment Center
“Rebirth Paradise” --- Gospel Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Ruili
3/3“Rebirth Paradise” --- Gospel Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Ruili(Photo: Pastor Xu)
By Yi YangJune 21st, 2016

Drug addiction is a very serious problem in China and there is a necessity to help those who are victimized by these dangerous drugs.

The Ruili Gospel Voluntary Drug Addiction Treatment Center, more popularly known as the "Rebirth Paradise", was established by the Baoshan Panshi Social Service Ministry to help drug addicts from Christian families. The center is dedicated to help addicts overcome their addiction through faith. It is said that the center received donations from the ministry and believers to continue its efforts.

Elder Pai, Directer of the center, tells CCD that they wanted to help Christian addicts seeing many had come in and out of the forced drug rehabilitation centers several times. 

Since they saw these trends, they have engaged in taking part in gospel addiction treatment ministry for one year and assisted 14 junkies, six of whom have abstained from drugs and prepared in studying theology.

The rest of the eight addicts stayed in the center to receive treatment.

The location of the center is perfect as it is adjacent to "the Golden Triangle" where drugs such as opium often enter China and get  transported to various parts of the country and nearby areas. Some become addicted just because they were in the same place as drugsters.

Among them was a brother who has been away from drugs temporarily. Having been a junky for over a decade, he did not quit from his addiction despite having been to the drug rehabilitation center repeatedly. His brothers broke their relationship with him and his family abandoned him.

When he saw addicts free from addiction through the gospel treatment offered in the center, he chose it take it as well. After one and half a year, he has been able to get rid of his addiction and he is now preparing to study theology to strengthen his faith.

"If they put trust in Jesus all the time and follow the team, it's unlikely that they return back to the old track. " Says Pai when asked if they may revert back in taking drugs after their treatment.

During the treatment period, these Christian addicts focus on prayers, reading the Bible and attending classes while monitored by teachers and they also do three-hour labor exercises used to practice responsibility and strengthen the body everyday.

Two staff members serve the addicts as full time staff, ensuring that there is always someone in charge in the center. They were previously drug addicts freed from addiction through the gospel treatment and in turn, they dedicated themselves to help those who encounter the same problem.

Founded on March 30, 2007, the Baoshan Panshi Social Service Ministry works to provide social care via anti-addiction and AIDS-prevention measures through the help of the gospel It has actively operated the gospel addiction treatment ministry for nine years since their first anti-addiction program was officially initiated on September 15, 2007. Its building covers 10 mu with a construction area of more than 4200 square meters. 

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