Christian Writer in Taiwan Records God's Grace in Various Ways

Zhang Xiaofeng, an 82-year-old proser from Taiwan, China, met fans in Shanghai Book City to launch her latest book on April 23, 2023.
Zhang Xiaofeng, an 82-year-old proser from Taiwan, China, met fans in Shanghai Book City to launch her latest book on April 23, 2023.
By Esther TianJuly 3rd, 2023

Zhang Xiaofeng, a renowned prose writer in Taiwan, is a devoted Christian who has been actively involved in the church since her early years. During a recent lecture, she shared her perspective on how she documents acts of grace in her life.

Xiaofeng discussed the scientific fact that human cells are constantly regenerated, with an average lifespan of seven years. This led her to pose a question, "If our cells are constantly replaced, does our core identity remain unchanged?" The answer revealed that while cells may be replaced, the essence of a person remains the same.

Expanding on this, the writer emphasized that individuals maintain their intrinsic identity through their original memories. Once a person's past experiences are forgotten, it becomes challenging for them to retain their authentic selves. She firmly believed that "each person is the cumulative sum of their life experiences, which they can share with others." Hence, it is essential to remember and transmit one's own experiences. But how does she achieve this?

Xiaofeng referenced the biblical figure of Jacob, who dreamed of a heavenly staircase while walking in the desert. God spoke to Jacob, promising him descendants, land, and an everlasting presence. To commemorate this encounter, Jacob erected a stone as a pillar and anointed it with oil.

Drawing inspiration from this story, she proposed that stones could serve as mementos, though they might eventually get lost. Instead, recording experiences "verbally" would allow for oral transmission across generations, whereas written words on paper could endure the test of time.

Clearly, Xiaofeng is someone who habitually employs the written word to record her personal journey. Additionally, she shares her insights through speaking engagements across various cities. Moreover, she possesses an affection for documenting her life through "stones" or various collections.

As an illustrative example, she had commissioned craftsmen to create a miniature "stairway" to hang on the wall of her home, just above the TV. This physical representation served as a reminder for herself and her children to observe God's interactions and promises to humankind, even while engrossed in television programs.

This devoted Christian highlighted that she could never forget the stories of numerous missionaries, such as Hudson Taylor, the leader of the China Inland Mission. To commemorate this admiration, she maintained a collection of photographs depicting missionaries from bygone days.

She used to accompany her mother in the search for genealogy, during which they approached a villager for information. Although they obtained no leads, the kind hostess offered them peanuts before their departure. After consuming the peanuts, she kept some peanut shells and later had them plastic-packed into a small souvenir at a photo studio. She used this item as a reminder of encountering such a compassionate person.

In addition to stones, spoken words, and written text, Xiaofeng also mentioned that the sense of touch holds a significant place in her memory.

When she was very young, she fled with her parents to live in Taiwan. Friends there assisted her parents in finding a place to live, where they accommodated several relatives who had nowhere else to go.

During that period, Xiaofeng, unable to express her love for them adequately and feeling melancholic, attended church with her friends. During the service, a female worshiper held her hand with a pair of big and warm hands, silently listening to the sermon.

At the age of 69, Xiaofeng was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and underwent six months of chemotherapy. Afterward, she returned to the church.

Upon arriving at the church, an elderly female Christian rushed over and seized her hand, exclaiming, "You're well! I'm so happy! Thank God for your recovery." This deeply astonished Xiaofeng, who said, "Suddenly, I remembered this hand! When I was eleven years old, I was held by this same warm hand."

At the age of 82, Xiaofeng is currently documenting her "self" in her own unique ways. We must also remember our own experiences, as it is through God's guiding hand that our lives flourish and grow.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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