Christian Woman Comforts Neighbors While Typhoon Mujigae Sweeps Through Hainan

Screenshot from online video
Screenshot from online video
By Li ShiguangSeptember 17th, 2024

As recently super Typhoon "Mujigae" raged outside, bringing unprecedented winds and rain, a sister in Christ used God's words to comfort those gripped by fear with His love, easing their anxiety.

At around 4:20 p.m., on September 6, super Typhoon Mujigae, the 11th typhoon of the year, roared into Wenchang, Hainan, becoming the strongest typhoon to hit China this year. In fact, it became the strongest autumn typhoon ever to make landfall in China and the most powerful since Typhoon Rammasun in 2014. According to statistics, Typhoon Mujigae caused nearly 70 billion RMB in direct economic losses in Hainan alone.

Initially, although the meteorological department had already forecast that Typhoon Mujigae would be a formidable storm, the wind power of which exceeded the 17th grade, many people did not take the warning seriously. It wasn't until around noon on September 6, as the winds and waves grew stronger, that people began to realize this typhoon might be different from others before it.

As waves surged over barriers near Haikou and the winds intensified, houses began to shake. By 8 p.m., many homes were experiencing power outages. Windows shattered, window frames were torn apart, and water began to flood in. People used towels, clothes, plastic bags, and whatever else they could find to block door frames and tried to stay in the safest rooms they could, with many taking refuge in their bathrooms.

"We are deeply moved by God’s love. From ancient times until today, the most printed and widely circulated book in the world is this one—the Bible. 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid."

This was the message shared during the unprecedented storm by a Christian woman, who used God's love and words to comfort those around her with fearful hearts.

Because of the immense power of Typhoon Mujigae, people on the side directly facing the typhoon had to evacuate to their neighbors' homes on the opposite side. This sister in Christ is just one of their neighbors, and the scene described above took place. Even in the midst of the powerful typhoon, this Christian woman never stopped fulfilling her mission of sharing the gospel. In the midst of the crisis and fear brought on by the super typhoon, people were willing to listen to the gospel message she shared.

- Edited & translated by Abigail Wu

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