Haerbin Siloam Fellowship for the Blind Holds the 15th Founding Anniversary

Haerbin Siloam Fellowship
Haerbin Siloam Fellowship
By Shao Shan December 4th, 2015

On Nov. 24, the Siloam Fellowship for the Blind of Xinyanglu Church has passed its fifteenth year. The fellowship held its 15th Founding Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship.

Siloam Fellowship for the Blind was founded in 2000 led by Rev. Li Meilan. It is home for the vulnerable group, who experience God's love and blessing. 

The pastoral staff of Bethel Church, Ephphatha Fellowship for the Deaf of Nangang Church, Life Care Team of Daowai Church and Siloam Fellowship attended the ceremony.

The senior pastor of Bethel Church gave the sermon "Sufficient Grace" that believers should learn to count the grace from God and especially when one is weak for God's power is made perfect in weakness; the more they count, the more grace they receive.

Programs like dances, songs, poem recitation were performed by Siloam Fellowship and other churches. Among them it was worth mentioning that the group allegro show by Siloam Fellowship brought the worship to a climax. 

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